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Beano: Case Study

The product:


Planning a wedding comes with a lot of pressure, one such area is the venue. People don’t really want to visit multiple venues in person to decide, that adds a lot to the pressure. Looking at pictures online doesn’t help either. So we are creating a website for Beano Resorts which would help people to read detailed reviews about the place. The website would have a detailed yet minimal review form which would help the people to know a lot about the venue which would lead to an easier decision making.

Project duration:

June 2023

My role: 

UX Designer designing a website for Beano Resorts from conception to delivery


Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframes, low and high fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility  and, iterating on designs

Screenshot 2023-06-22 at 9.42.04 PM.png

The problem: 

People don’t want to submit reviews because they’re very time taking and sometime complex.

Because of the absence of reviews, people spend a lot of time on numerous websites but are unable to select a venue because they can’t decide just by looking at the pictures.

The goal: 

Design a website which would allow the users to submit a detailed yet minimal testimony for the venue which in turn would help the users who are looking for a venue.

User Research Summary

I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users I am designing for and their needs. The primary user group identified was the adults who were the ones getting married.


This group confirmed the initial assumption that the testimonial forms are very time taking hence people avoid filling the forms. Users looking for a venue had no choice but to rely on whatever information they got online, which included the reviews in the form of ratings.

Grow Your Vision

Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction. 

Double click to edit and add your own text.

Persona: Ruth B

Age: 32

Education: MBA

Hometown: Panjim, Goa

Family: Parents

Occupation: Technical Lead


Make most of the free time

  • To find a venue meeting my requirements

  • Read reviews and save time from additional research

  • She wants to post an honest review for the venue where she had her engagement to help the business and others like her


  • "Some websites have ratings which is not enough to judge the place"

  • "I work 9-5, sometimes more. This gives me very less time to prepare for my wedding"

  • "I don't have the time and I can't wait till the weekend to drive to each and decide for myself."

Ruth is 32 year old technical lead in Goa, India. She is about to get married and she is struggling with the preparations. She is yet to decide on the venue and with less and no reviews available on the websites she is unable to decide. She feels reviews are very important for people like her who don't have much help. Her younger sister owns an online small business and she understands how reviews helps with the marketing to both the customer and the business provider.


"My focus is to spend less time on searching things online or online shopping altogether"


Paper Wireframes:

Digital Wireframes:

Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 11.09.09 PM.png

Mockup: Screen size variation

High Fidelity Prototype

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